Thursday, November 20, 2008

African-Americans versus Gays: Instigated by the Extreme Right?

By: Sherry Rashad

Former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton used to mention this “vast right-wing conspiracy” that might dash her hopes for a Senate seat which many of her detractors back them dismiss as nothing more that paranoia disguised as propaganda. But the recent rift and increased tensions between the African-American community and the Gay community over the passing of California’s Proposition 8 probably the most controversial anti-Gay marriage bill in recent memory which for all intents and purposes is simply discrimination disguised as law. This debacle only highlights what sensible American’s fear the most: a discriminatory law that denies a group of persons the right to practice self-determination. The question now is; Is there really a vast right-wing conspiracy and is it really as powerful as most of us perceived it to be?

Proposition 8 came into being and became a binding law mostly due to the millions of dollars worth of funding being raised by the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the Mormon Church. Are they still mad when one of the Republican Party’s founders – Abraham Lincoln – referred to their practice of polygamy as “barbarism” just like slavery, and they’ve been waiting all these years for revenge? Well, the Mormon Church’s 12th President – Spencer W. Kimball might be resting less than peacefully now. Remember that he was the first Mormon president to allow African-Americans to be eligible for priesthood – if deemed worthy – in the Mormon Church back in 1978.

Are the different Christian sects of America still uneasy of Blacks and homosexuals that they deemed it – even by any means necessary – not to integrate them into the flock? With these serious questions still left unanswered, some “issues” had already marred everyone’s jubilation of the historic victory of President-elect Barack Obama. Like some right-wing conservative church’s adopting Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation ideology out of their fear and ignorance when it comes to accepting African-Americans and the Gay community as their equals. Intolerance in America may be at it’s last dying breaths, but it is yet much too early for complacency. Looks like eternal vigilance will forever be the price that we must pay to keep the progress made by the Civil Rights movement of the past 40 years or so from being repealed by the misguided and ignorant "Right".

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Sarah Palin A Closeted NAZI?

By: Sherry Rashad

Despite of the lipstick on a pig / pit bull / soccer mom rhetoric in which she used with a skill of a Krav Naga expert disarming an armed assailant while inside a phone booth. Sarah Palin managed to utter several faux pas that surely won’t fly back in the heyday of the Women’s Liberation movement. And yet the “Conservative Right” fell in love with her pro-life stance. Doesn’t her pro-life stance remind you of the concept of “lebensborn babies” back when Adolph Hitler ruled Germany? You know, lebensborn, one of those several programs initiated by NAZI SS leader Heinrich Himmler to secure the racial heredity of the Third Reich.

From the allegations of abuse of power during her tenure as governor of Alaska, to her alleged Foreign Policy expertise just because she lived and worked closest to Russia than either Democratic candidate. Sarah Palin indeed handled these issues with skill rivaling that of a Washington political spin-doctor. Whether this would be an advantage in real world Foreign Policy decisions is open to debate. Yet, this hasn’t stopped her from using it as a popularity aid. And don’t forget Sarah Palin’s context-twisting manipulation of the “lipstick on a pig” euphemism to use for her advantage. And the greatest mystery of all, what has Sarah Palin done lately during her incumbency as governor of the state of Alaska to help the Native American / First Nation Tribes that reside in her state?

If you think David Duke, the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan is scary, people like Sarah Palin are even worse. It’s because when people like David Duke hate me, they have rules that govern them. While people like Sarah Palin, or any other closeted neo-NAZI types like President Bush’s Neo-Conservatives tend to exploit the people that they hate to line up their coffers.

Maybe Senator John McCain in his advancing age is not only confusing the Hanoi Hilton with Paris Hilton, but is probably taking advice from the Aryan Nation head Richard Butler about who to pick for as a vice presidential running mate. Yet, majority of Americans still don’t know why the founding members of the band Heart – i.e. sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson – are really pissed off at Sarah Palin for using Heart’s song Barracuda in Palin’s campaign rallies.